Borderlands - La Frontera: The New Mestiza (English and Spanish Edition) by Gloria Anzaldua ()Cited by: Borderlands/ La Frontera: the new Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldua is a wonderful piece of literature that refreshes and revitalizes the image of both Chicana/os and lesbians in a refreshing manner that exalts the power and possibilities immanent in both these marginalized perspectives. However, there have been compensations for this mestiza, and certain joys. Living on borders and in margins, keeping intact one's shifting and multiple identity and integrity, is like trying to swim in a new element, an "alien" element. There is an exhilara tion in being a participant in the further evolution of humankind, in being "worked" on.
Chapter 7 Summary: "La consciencia de la mestiza/Towards a New Consciousness". For the opening of Anzaldúa's final chapter, she cites José Vasconcelos and his vision of "una Raza mestiza a cosmic race" (99). From this, the new mestiza consciousness arises, a consciousness of the borderlands. Chicanos, Anzaldúa argues, embody. Borderlands: The New Mestiza. Borderlands.: Gloria Anzaldúa. Aunt Lute Books, - Mexican American women - pages. 3 Reviews. "Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa's experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist, and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume profoundly challenged, and continue to challenge, how we think about identity. In this episode, I present Gloria Anzaldúa's "Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza," a seminal text not only for Chicana and Latina feminism, but for all.
In Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza Gloria Anzaldúa proposes through prose and poetry that the hybrid nature of the Chicano (relating to Americans of Mexican descent) culture of the Texas–Mexico borderlands creates the unique perspective of an outsider, belonging not to one culture or another but rather to the place where cultures intersect. Gloria E. Anzaldúa was a scholar of Chicana cultural theory, feminist theory, and queer theory. She loosely based her best-known book, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, on her life growing up on the Mexican-Texas border and incorporated her lifelong feelings of social and cultural marginalization into her work. Borderlands - La Frontera: The New Mestiza (English and Spanish Edition) by Gloria Anzaldua ().